Travelling with my Obsessed Aspie

Travelling with my Obsessed Aspie

Fortunately, his universal obsession of trains and public transport is easy to satisfy anywhere in the world. Unfortunately it means that public transport journeys become a non-negotiable part of any trip.

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Winning With Love

Winning With Love

While I was relieved that Chip went to school, acting as a model student, and NOT treating his friends or teachers like this, it was heartbreaking to be met with his condensed anger every afternoon, often having experienced it on the way to school as well.

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Social Ripples

Social Ripples

I’m spending time with actual physical presence of others, which is really good for the soul, partially because your body releases different positive chemicals when you interact with a person in physical space, even if you don’t touch. It’s also good because the type of feedback you get from others when you are physically with them is different.

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Goodbye RufusBob

Goodbye RufusBob

Countless trips to the airport, to doctors, to bring home real Christmas trees, to buy new bikes, bring home new pets, and take pets on their last trip to the vet. So many things have happened in our well-travelled car.

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New Family Member

New Family Member

Having worked at the RSPCA as a volunteer years ago, I had decided that one day I would adopt an adult cat. There are so many of them, often not very old even, and some incredibly social too. With my family however, I knew it could be a while before we found one who would be robust enough to stand up to the chaos that is our home.

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New Outlook 2018

New Outlook 2018

I had 2 Christmases with Charlie's family, and none with mine. This Christmas coupled this cruel twist of fate with my attendance of 2 funerals in the month of December, so it hasn't been the most pleasant month. For my nuclear family though, this...

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We Question Ourselves

We Question Ourselves

Carrying a virtual fire extinguisher around to diffuse whatever explodes next, I find myself questioning my abilities as a mum. I’m not the only one either. It seems to be something that I see lots of mums doing right now.

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