New things for twins

New things for twins

It brings forth tough decisions. Who gets the new bike and who gets the old one? Why? How do we explain this to the one who didn’t get the new bike? What happens when one is truly (even obsessively) decisive, and the other is great at changing his mind? What about the fact that the old bike suits one child more then the other? How about the factor of one being so much more accepting if he doesn’t get the new bike? Are we rewarding bad behaviour by electing for the more demanding one to take home the new bike?

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Tragedy close to home

We were all shaken today. Shaken by the sound of many emergency vehicles. Shaken by the horrendous traffic and police helicopters overhead.

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Of strengths and obsessions…

Of strengths and obsessions…

Taz loves trains. There’s nothing more certain in his life then that statement. It seems that we have lucked out because he has an obsession that is in the list of ‘acceptable interests’. Not only do most kids love them, but even adults.

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Watching Planes

Watching Planes

It was Father’s Day, so our usual Sunday roast plans were ditched for an evening of watching planes.

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Sensory Stuff

Sensory Stuff

Here’s where Dale’s sensory issues get to me though. He could easily audition for the carpet stain remover add with Pro Hart, “Mr Hart! What a mess!”

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