Thankyou Pixar

by | Movies, Parenting, Psychology

Thank you Pixar for your genius. I’m not talking about the virtues of quiet, happy kids glued to the screen while I cook dinner either. I’m talking about Inside Out.

You see, I studied the mind, the brain, memory etc. at university. Inside Out was not only entertaining to all ages, and the information delivered in a palatable and easy to understand way, but I was gobsmacked to realise that it was also pretty accurate. I understand every single simplified technical term in the movie, but the brilliance is that my kids, husband and mum also understand them now too. Having the tools of personality knowledge, emotions, memory, how memories impact long term etc. has truly honoured me with the ability to be a mum in a deep and meaningful way. This stuff is why the modern parent worries so much about the imprint the put on their child. The thing is, it gives us the tools to understand ourselves and others. I am sure I’m not the only one who realises what a big deal this is.

So far mealtimes with the family have included conversations such as what islands do you have?, which is your dominant emotion?, its ok to let sadness through, when fear is important and what do you think other family members have in their islands (Sherman is still in shock about his oldest saying he has ‘money island’, which just goes to show that anyone can learn from this).


So thank you Pixar. I have noticed what a clever mob you are, and I also see some glorious humanity and kindness in your work. Keep it up!

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