Defiant Lives: Review
You may well ask “why would I be interested in this film?”, and to this I say that we all need to learn about each other, and it’s about time misconceptions about those defined as disabled were dissolved.
Autism Keys 7. Emotion
I did my honours thesis in Emotional Intelligence, and was surprised at how little
people understood about emotion generally, so was determined my children would learn about them.
Autism Keys 1: Coping Styles
Coping styles are a core part of our lives. Many of our current coping styles were unconsciously taught to us by our parents.
Modern Heros
When I was a child there were super heros, men and women with capes, dedicated only to the good and saving people from imminent death. These days it's not so simple. While it's only Taz who has an ASD (Aspergers syndrome) diagnosis, our family all has notable...
Tragedy close to home
We were all shaken today. Shaken by the sound of many emergency vehicles. Shaken by the horrendous traffic and police helicopters overhead.
Watching Planes
It was Father’s Day, so our usual Sunday roast plans were ditched for an evening of watching planes.
Not a Happy Camper
It’s not that I don’t like nature. Nature just doesn’t like me…
Less of what I love…
I lost stacks of hours in my old, treasured job, and got more hours doing the parts I didn’t like so much. Such is the first year with the youngest kids in school.
Homes and appliances should be designed by those who use them.
Have you ever wondered what the designers were thinking? They don’t have to clean it, obviously…
Who says kids aren’t dedicated and focused.
Next time you try to interrupt a kid who us in the middle of something, watch how dedicated they are to finishing.